Is the European Union On The Edge Of A Civil War?

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Is the European Union On The Edge Of A Civil War?

Published by A. Gagaridis in Publication · 4 June 2018
Tags: EUUSCivilWar
Is the European Union on the Edge of a Civil War?
A simple question, yet a rather shocking and dreadful one.

If we observe the current status of the EU, its future appears uncertain at best. Brexit is unfolding. A trade conflict with the US is looming. Social tensions are growing due to the combined effects of the debt crisis and of immigration flows from extra-EU countries. Consensus is lacking over the evolution of the common institutions, and anti-EU political forces are on the rise all over the continent (the new Italian government is just the latest example and probably strongest expression of this trend).

In such a context, it seems that the Union is destined to be more and more divided, to the point that French President E. Macron stated that the EU is experiencing a "civil war" over its fundamental values.

This prompted me to raise the provocative question. And interestingly, if we observe the past, we can see that the situation of today's EU is strikingly similar to that of another "Union"; namely the United States at the eve of the War of Secession. Will the EU also plunged into civil war, as the US did in the 1860s?

To explore this fascinating yet alarming issue, read my latest article on Eurasia Review.

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